One of my coworkers moved from his old apartment to a new apartment. He invited us to his house warming party. His place was big, clean, conveniently located and he has a huge rooftop area. We enjoyed a beautiful daytime and night view.
We cooked a lot of different kind of food (Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Italian dishes). It was a fun night!! Some of us had to work the next day, so we couldn't stay there for a long time. But, we could not stop talking, drinking and eating. Finally, we dispersed after midnight. Of course, I had to work the next day. Hahaha. It was a long day.
Some day, we want have a another party. It will be really fun!!
同僚の一人が、古いアパートから新しいアパートに引っ越しました。彼は私達をhouse warming party(引っ越した後に、新しいところで行われるパーティー)に招待してくれました。彼の新しいアパートは、広くて、きれいで、便利なところにあり、ただ広い屋上があります。私達は、昼間の景色と夜の景色を楽しみました(なんと、2回も屋上に上がったのだ)。
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