A couple weeks ago, my darling and I went to the meat festival which took place at our best friend Dan's house.
He is a great chef !! He knows how to cook a lot of delicious meat. Also, he can cook yummy American style sweets, too. This time, he cooked beef, pork, chicken, chili stew, french fries and chocolate brownies.
The bad news was, we were late so, we missed some of his special menu. The good news was, we could meet a lot of our friends, talk with them and eat some of Dan's food. It was very fun!!
I love summer in Seattle. We have really nice weather and the days are getting longer. We can enjoy the nice weather all day long. It is a perfect BBQ party season!! If we had a huge nice yard, I would want to have a party every single weekend in the summer. Some day.............
ダンは素晴らしいシェフなんだよ!!ダンはたくさんのおいしい肉料理の方法を知っています。 そしてまた、ダンは、おいしいアメリカンスタイルのデザートも作れます。今回、彼は、牛肉、豚肉、鶏肉、チリシチュー(おまめさんがいっぱい入っている、甘くてしょっぱくてスパイスが効いているシチュー。今回はスモークされたベーコンがゴロゴロ入っていました)、フライドポテト、チョコレート•ブラウニーをお料理してくれました。
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