January 28, 2011
Last Friday, one of our friend visited to Seattle. He is from San Jose. His name is Tomas. My darling has known him for years and years. He is a great artist!! He is a very talented, gentle, easygoing, active and funny!! Also, he is very patient, too( he stayed at our chilly house 3 days and 2 nights!!).
We went to " BUCA di BEPPO " with a few other artists. When Tomas visits Seattle, we always gather to meet him. Because, we love Tomas!!
He had short trip this time. Some day, we want to visit his house.
先週の金曜日、私たちの友達の一人がSeattleに遊びにきていました。彼はSan Joseから来たのです。彼の名前はTomas。ダーリンは、長い間彼を知っています。
私たちは、何人かのアーティスト達と一緒に " BUCA di BEPPO's " へ行きました。TomasがSeattleにくる時はいつも、彼に会うためにみんなで集まります。みんな、Tomasが大好きだから!!
Thank you Maki for writing such nice things about me. I always enjoy visiting you both and you are such good hosts and best friends. I am lucky to know you and Brian. You are welcome to visit me anytime and I hope I get to visit there again soon.