March 3, 2012
One of my elementary school friend's, wrote these calligraphy for me. His name is Kaoru Hino.
When he was a kid, he always got a lot of cool awards for his calligraphy contests. I liked his powerful style at that time.
One day, my best friend Kumiko sent me some pictures of his exhibition. I was surprised.
Because, I did not know he lived in Sendai-city Japan. When I saw his calligraphy collections, I
could feel his power, soul, feeling and dream. I wanted have some his calligraphy,
so, I ordered a couple of his calligraphy.
Now, I can see Kaoru's calligraphy in my house. This is very cool!!
If you are interested in his art, I can order his art for you. Also, I can ask him about price, too.
日野 薫くんといいます。子供の頃、彼はいつもお習字のコンテストで素晴らしい賞をたくさん取っていました。その頃、私は彼のパワフルな書体が好きでした。