Last Saturday, our friends invited me and my darling to a great Italian restaurant to celebrate my birthday. We went to "CAFE LAGO". This is the best Italian restaurant in Seattle for me.
Everything is very delicious! Also, their wine selection is just great!! We always order Chianti (This is one of our favorite Italian wines).
We ordered a lot of appetizers before the main dishes. We ate too much food. However, everything was soooooooooo yummy, we could not stop eating and chatting.
We had a really good time with our friends. They are so funny, nice, friendly, and one of the coolest couples in this world. We love them a lot.
After dinner, we went to a bar in the CAFE LAGO neighborhood. Our friends gave me some cool presents for my birthday. It was so nice!! I was just so happy to meet them, and their surprise presents made me even more happy!! It was a fun and happy night for me!!!!!
Thank you so much Greg, Ann-Marie and my darling. I love you guys a lot!!
先週の土曜日、私たちの友達が、私のお誕生日のお祝いにダーリンと私をステキなイタリアンレストランに招待してくれました。私達は "CAFE LAGO"に行ったの〜。ワタシ的には、Seattleで一番おいしいイタリアンレストランだと思います。全部がおいしいの!!彼らのワインセレクションも、ただただ素晴らしいのです!!いつも Chianti を頼むんだ〜(コレは私達の一番好きなワインです)。
食事の後、私達は "CAFE LAGO"の近くにあるバーに行きました。そこで、友達が私に素敵なお誕生日プレゼントを渡してくれました。すっごく彼らの思いやりを感じました!!私は彼らに会えただけでもうれしかったんだけど、彼らのサプライズ•プレゼントはもっともっと私をハッピーな気分にしてくれました!!私に取って、楽しくてハッピーな一夜でした!!!!!
ありがとう、Greg,、Ann-Marie、そして ダーリン♡ みんな、愛してるよ〜!!
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