October 29, 2011
Last week, we went to our friend's Angus and Setsuko's house. They have known my darling almost 20 years. When I moved to Seattle, my darling introduced me to them immediately. They act like our parents in America. Also, they act like a real cartoon character couple. They are so funny!!
They invited another couple and us, to their house. All of the boy's wives are Japanese. We have known each other for a while. So, when I meet them, I can speak Japanese!! I always have a great time with these girls speaking in Japanese.
At first, we had a bottle of white wine which had matured for 18 years, with an appetizer of salmon. Next, we had two bottles of red wine with the main dish. It was a roast beef dish with Yorkshire pudding, potatoes, carrots and grilled asparagus. It was so good!! And the dish was perfect with the red wine. One of the wines was 11 years old, and another one was 22 years old. Their wine selection was awesome!! We had a really great time with them.
Someday, I want to cook a special yummy dish like Setsuko. I need more cooking practice...
先週、私達の友達のAngus と Setsuko宅へ行ってきました。彼らは、ダーリンの事をおよそ20年ぐらい知っています(ダーリンが20代だった頃から!!)。私がシアトルに引っ越すとすぐに、ダーリンは私の事を彼らに紹介してくれました。彼らは私達のアメリカでのパパとママって感じ。また、彼らは本当にマンガのキャラクターみたいなカップルです。本当に面白いんだよ!!
最初、サーモンのアペタイザーと一緒に18年物の白ワインをいただきました。次に、メインディッシュと一緒に2本の赤ワインをいただきました。メインディッシュはロースト•ビーフで、Yorkshire pudding(小麦粉と卵と牛乳を混ぜて焼いたもの)とジャガイモとニンジンとグリルしたアスパラガスが添えられていました。おいしかった〜!!赤ワインとは最高の組み合わせでした。一本は11年ものの赤ワインで、もう一本は22年もの。彼らのワインセレクションには驚かされるばかりです。とても楽しい時間を過ごしました。