February 20, 2011
Today, my darling and I went to the SEATTLE HOME SHOW at QWEST FIELD EVENT CENTER . The event runs Feb. 19-27. This year was the 67th annual event. There were nearly 600 exhibitors in this show. Of course, there were so many people visiting the show.
There was a lot of cool house stuff there. Things for the kitchen, bathroom, remodeling, yard & garden, bedroom, barbecue, hot tubs, fireplace, windows, lighting, cabinets, more and more!!!!!
2 years ago, we bought some ceramic pan sets. They are just great!! We use them every day. They are easy to use, easy to clean and I do not have to use a lot of oil to cook with.
Last year, we ordered good quality windows. They are very nice and strong (double windows).
This year, we bought some special scissors and special healthy chocolate. We always try something new and good for our health.
We love this show a lot. Because, we can see a lot of cool, nice, convenient, interesting stuff in this show. Someday, I want to buy a nice hot tub when I will get rich!! Yea~!!!!!
今日、ダーリンと私は QWEST FIELD EVENT CENTERと言うところで開催されているSEATTLE HOME SHOWに行ってきました。そのショウは2月19日〜27日まで催されます。なんと、今年は67回目のイベントなんだって。ショウには600近い展示者がいるそうです。も〜ちろん、ものすごい数の人々が、そのショウを見に(いろんな物を買いに)来ていますよ。